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Novedades de MOVEit Managed File Transfer

Progress MOVEit hace que sea más fácil que nunca para usted proteger mejor sus archivos confidenciales y crear una experiencia digital más segura.

New Features in this Version

UI Localization for Polish and Brazilian Portuguese

MOVEit Transfer 2024.0 now supports Polish and Brazilian Portuguese languages within its user interface language selector.

Screenshot of the UI in MOVEit Transfer localized in Polish language. The user interface language selector is open, and Polish is selected via the drop-down menu.

Encryption Key Rotation for At-rest System Org Data

System admins can now rotate the system-org encryption keys according to their organization’s security and compliance requirements. This feature in MOVEit Transfer 2024.0 provides expanded key management and rotation options for enhanced data security by controlling the time interval between key/passphrase updates.

Screenshot of UI in MOVEit Transfer. The screen shows the Organization Profile which includes Encryption Key information such as Key ID, date created, age and a green check indicator for a primary key. Below this section is Key Rotation and there is a highlighted button labeled Begin Key Rotation Process.

In-app Product Notifications

The newly added in-app notification feature is designed to provide you updates on feature launches, along with important product updates.

Screenshot of the pop-up UI dialog box in MOVEit Transfer. The notification inside the dialog box indicates to users that Product Update Notifications are available. Included in this box is a link to learn more, a close button at the bottom and there is an x out option at the top right-hand corner of the box.

New Storage Reports by File Age

MOVEit Transfer now enables system and org admins to check the age of files on their systems with a new addition to MOVEit’s built-in storage reports. The new File Aging by File report type in MOVEit Transfer 2024.0 allows admins to identify files that may need to be reviewed or removed by age, according to the upload time stamp, based on the orgs compliance and data management policies.

Screenshot of the Reports section within MOVEit Transfer. The screenshot displays an Edit Report sub header, then lists that admins can specify the name and report type through two different drop-down menus. The Report Type drop-down menu is open with File Aging by File selected.

Improved Export Encryption Feature

Improved encryption was implemented for configuration, task and bulk task export in this MOVEit Automation release. Improvements include encryption of sensitive data with a server key or passphrase for exported configuration files and tasks, as well as an option to sanitize sensitive information in an exported configuration file.

A screenshot of the Export Configuration wizard within MOVEit Automation. The options are presented as three radio buttons, Sanitize, Server key and Passphrase. The Passphrase radio button is selected. There is an alert message showing that states, “Store your passphrase securely, it cannot be retrieved if lost or forgotten.” Below the alert message there is a selection box labeled with a CTA of ”OK” and to the right of the box is a cancel link.

MOVEit Gateway Supports FIPS 140-2 for SFTP Proxy Settings

MOVEit Gateway's file transfer protocol SFTP can now be configured for FIPS 140-2 compliance by selecting “Use Default SFTP Proxy in FIPS Mode” from the SFTP Proxy Settings Menu. The default SFTP proxy is available with or without FIPS mode enabled.

A screenshot of the Settings module within the UI of MOVEit Gateway. The settings section titled SFTP Proxy Setting is highlighted with a border image to call attention to the three radio buttons, Use Default SFTP Proxy, Use Default SFTP Proxy in FIPS Mode and Use Legacy SFTP Proxy. In this screenshot the selection is displayed as Default SFTP Proxy and under the last radio button is a selection box labeled with a CTA of “Save.”

Puede encontrar toda la documentación más reciente del producto MOVEit aquí. Para obtener notas de la versión y conocer las funciones más recientes, seleccione un producto (como "MOVEit Transfer"), haga clic en "Documentación del producto" y haga clic en "Nuevas funciones y actualizaciones" en "Novedades".

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