technology hero

Conversations that Count.
  • Voice
  • Text
  • Web
  • Mobile
  • Social
 AI Chatbots 
on NativeChat.

Robust Chatbot Building Toolset in a Single,
User-friendly Platform.

Natural Language and Goal-oriented Conversation Flow

In-house bot engine with patented cognitive flow technology. Cognitive Flow allows a simple way to define conversations and drive conversions.

platform diagram

The Complete Chatbot FAQ & Search Package

Leave no dead ends in content discovery and FAQ management. Help website visitors discover the information they’re looking for, regardless of the way they ask the question. The Sitefinity Chatbot is fully integrated with content, letting you expose structured FAQs stored in Sitefinity to an extra channel with a compelling, interactive user experience. Engage visitors and guide them on their journey towards a conversion with a complete solution for conversational FAQ and Search. The integrated chatbot can be engaged through other non-web channels, like mobile and Facebook, delivering your content to a wider audience.

Structured FAQ content sourced right from Sitefinity. User-friendly bot training with multiple question variations, validation, and testing.

Setup FAQ chatbots

Low-confidence suggestions enabled through bot training, along with ability to analyze user response and feedback.

Bot Suggestions

Integrated website search as a fallback option where the bot has no definitive answer or is unable to extract meaning.

Search Fallback

Powerful Admin UI for bot trainers to assess bot understanding, track search patterns and phrases, store history and analytics.

Understanding Assessment

Powerful Toolset to Develop, Deploy,
Train and Integrate

NativeChat is a chatbot building platform that allows organizations to automate repetitive tasks by using natural language interfaces. It provides a rich developer toolset and is extremely flexible in terms of deployment and integration with voice and conversational platforms.

The NativeChat Natural Language Processing (NLP) engine allows chatbot developers and business users to extract structured data and user intent from the user responses. Through training, based on providing examples of how humans talk about a task they want to accomplish, chatbots learn to identify user intent and respond accordingly.

Text into Structured Data

The bot engine processes the information from the user input to elicit usable pieces of information required to successfully complete the conversation goal.

Query Existing Data Sources

NativeChat bots can be trained to elicit entities from data and records already available in your connected systems. Bots can be trained to recognize the names of staff or identify contacts based on data in your CRM.

The NativeChat patented Cognitive Flow technology provides an efficient way to drive user conversations to a desired result or conversion. The bot engine automatically handles exceptions, validations and edge cases. Defining the validation rules and bot responses is as easy as writing plain text.

Smart Slot Filling Algorithm

The smart slot filling algorithm with automation rules is responsible for defining the next best step based on the user input and contextual information.

Acknowledge, Suggest, Disambiguate, Validate

Query enterprise backend systems to provide relevant information. Request additional input from user to extract more structured data.

Cloud-native architecture integrating best-in-class services in a scalable and secure way. Worldwide deployment options. Multi-tenant to quickly set-up and evaluate. Single tenant for tightened security, enterprise features and dedicated infrastructure. Active Directory integration. Ability to disable storing chat data in NativeChat and securely transfer it to own storage to meet specific security requirements. Connect to other systems securely using mutual TLS.

Private & Secure

NativeChat supports building your own private and secure channels for the web, mobile and popular voice and text messaging platforms using a set of SDKs and ready-to-use components.

Deployment Flexibility

Deploy on AWS for enterprise-grade scalability. Managed platform where Progress NativeChat handles maintenance and upgrades. High concurrence.

Ensure compliance with the highest security standards through SSO, two-factor authentication and private cloud deployment. Data is secure in both transit and at rest. End-to-end encryption and audit logs. SOC2 and HIPAA certified, GDPR compliant. Secure connectivity to external systems using mutual TLS.

Third-Party Authentication

Sometimes a chatbot needs to handle a process requiring user authentication within your systems. NativeChat bots support standard OAuth authentication protocols and mechanisms to seamlessly enable third-party authentication. Additional identity providers and authentication protocols are also available.

Secure Data

Connect with and engage customers on a host of conversational platforms but keep sensitive data safe within your own secure bounds. A NativeChat bot can be easily integrated into your web and mobile properties.

Efficient interactions with a chatbot and goal-oriented conversations rely on data and business logic already existing in your connected ecosystem. Integrate with enterprise backend systems easily with REST connectors or optionally through the Progress® Kinvey™ serverless cloud backend

Third Party Integrations

NativeChat provides flexible REST API integration and samples on how to connect to your existing software infrastructure to deliver personalized user experiences.

  • CRM

  • Web Apps

  • Mobile Apps

NativeChat development is based on declarative programming where developers describe what data they want to extract from a conversation rather than how. The actual conversation flow is controlled by the cognitive algorithms of NativeChat to produce natural language interactions with users. Single code base deployable on multiple platforms.

Developer Productivity

The NativeChat platform offers multiple built-in tools to speed-up development, including auto-completion, code snippets, on-the-fly code validation and debugging. Multiple self-paced resources to explore and master the NativeChat capabilities.


Single code base to deploy once and publish to all supported channels. The bot logic and training is the same, and the NativeChat engine handles all the specifics and presentation.

Stellar technical support with fast response time for feature requests and bug reports. Gentle learning curve. Requirement gathering, use case definition and scoping the solution. Personalized demos and technical knowledge sharing.

Professional Services

White glove service with special attention from the Progress NativeChat product and engineering teams. Professional services are with you every step of the way to a faster time to market.

Pilot Program

Get early access and personalized guidance to kickstart chatbot development with the NativeChat Pilot Program. Scope, develop and test your first chatbot solution.

Drive the Conversation with NativeChat

Optimize key workflows. Automate the first line of support. Serve Customers 24/7. Personalize conversations and shape the journey to accelerate pipeline. The NativeChat platform has a user-friendly bot training model and allows easy integration with voice and conversational platforms. Multi-channel conversations in 60+ languages.

NativeChat is a robust platform for organizations to build and deploy ML-driven chat bots over a wide range of use cases. As business users train chatbots by providing examples of how humans talk about a task they want to accomplish, they are essentially instructing them how to identify user intent and respond accordingly.

Structured Data and User Intent

The Natural Language Processing (NLP) engine allows chatbot developers and business users to extract structured data and user intent from the user responses. NativeChat bots can be trained to elicit entities from data and records already available in your connected systems.

Rely but Not Depend on IT

Reduce reliance on IT and shorten time to market. Non-technical subject matter experts can independently manage chatbot conversation content. Defining the validation rules and bot responses is as easy as writing plain text.

The NativeChat patented Cognitive Flow technology provides an efficient way to drive user engagement to a desired conversion. With NativeChat, you can deploy chatbots over a wide range of industries and functions to successfully personalize customer conversations and deliver contactless self-service.

Financial Services
  • Account Management

  • Financial Advice

  • Appointments & Schedule

  • Triage & Screening

Enterprise Operations
  • Employee Onboarding

  • HR & Benefits

Public Sector
  • Member Services

  • Docs & Knowledgebase

  • Orientation & Onboarding

  • People and Course Finder

Customer Support
  • Unstaffed Helpdesk

  • Pre-sales Assistance

Boost your support center performance and handle greater volumes and workload. Grow self-service transactions over web, social, mobile and voice channels. Reduce backlog and resolution time. Give your customers the quality support they need around the clock.

Support Service and CRM Integration

Integrate chatbots with your ticketing system and deliver the highest quality customer support anytime, over any channel. Let your customers self-serve and see your CSAT and NPS increase.

Chatbot to Human Agent Hand-off

Let chatbots handle out-of-hours requests and ease the pressure off human teams. Switch to traditional support channels when customers need to interact with a live agent.

Efficient interactions rely on data and business logic already existing in your connected ecosystem. Seamlessly connect to your enterprise backend systems for secure access to data and richer experiences.

  • Eloqua

  • Salesforce

  • SharePoint

  • Zendesk

Keep track of how well your chatbot works. NativeChat analytics provide insights into multiple aspects of a chatbot’s performance: total number of conversations, opportunities for improvement, retention rates, step-by-step analysis of conversations.

Performance Indicators

NativeChat has built-in analytics for measuring user engagement, retention (completed vs. abandoned conversations), failure points and conversation accuracy to ensure your chatbot is performing at its best.

Conversation History

Complete conversation history and conversation search based on specific criteria. Failed conversations (the ones that didn't achieve the goal) are marked in red so you can instantly find them and improve bot training and tweak the conversation flow.

Chatbots built on NativeChat can be published to a range of channels including web, social media and mobile applications. Best practices are built-in for integration with multiple voice and text platforms, including Facebook Messenger, Alexa, Microsoft Teams.

NativeChat Works on Multiple Channels
  • Web & REST

    Deploy a NativeChat widget on your website or any custom UI leveraging the REST channel.

  • WhatsApp, Viber & LINE

    Deliver a native experience on the most popular messaging apps.

  • Messenger

    Connect with your customers on the world’s largest social network.

  • Text Messaging

    Be accessible 24/7 with an SMS chatbot on Twilio.

  • Amazon Alexa & Twilio Voice

    Voice to text and text to voice with NativeChat.

  • Microsoft Teams

    Deploy a NativeChat bot on Teams.

The NativeChat platform can handle conversations in almost any human language that has an alphabet and structured grammar rules. The Natural Language Processing (NLP) engine can parse language expressions for time, date, numbers to extract and return structured data.

60+ languages

For global applicability, NativeChat supports over 60 languages, in which the NLP engine can be trained. Here is the full list of supported languages.

Join the NativeChat Pilot Program


Get early access and personalized guidance to kickstart chatbot development with the NativeChat Pilot Program.

How to Get Started with NativeChat

See NativeChat in Action

Schedule a personal walkthrough to get a feel of the platform and have all your questions answered by the NativeChat team.

Schedule a Demo

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Get help scoping your solution and access all the resources you need to get the best out of the NativeChat platform.

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Sign in to start building your first chatbot. Register to get self-paced training, access tutorials and useful resources.

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